
How to Find Your Brand’s Purpose

If you’ve ever asked existential questions like, “Why are we here?”, discovering why you exist, even as an organization, can seem like a lofty undertaking. It may seem impossible or frivolous for anyone thinking, “I just saw an opportunity and I went for it.” But like people, every company has a purpose; it’s just waiting to be uncovered. So here’s how to find your brand’s purpose:

Dig Deep

The process for uncovering a brand’s purpose can feel a bit like therapy. The first step is deep reflection. Using an interview format or a questionnaire, enlist your key stakeholders to answer questions, such as:

  • What do you want your brand to be known for?
  • What stories do you want people to tell about you?
  • Five years from now, there is an article written about your brand. What is the headline? Where is it published? What is the story about?
  • What does success look like?
  • How do you want people to feel after they’ve worked with you?
  • What makes your company special?
  • What are your “superpowers”?
  • What contribution do you want to have to the world?
  • What makes you feel inspired?
  • Describe a time when your company is at its best.
  • Think about three of your most beloved colleagues, partners or mentors from any era in your life. What made them special? What are their greatest qualities?
  • How do you want to treat people?
  • Think about one of the greatest challenges of your career. How did you handle it? Do you wish you had done things differently? If so, how?
  • Describe your ideal company culture. What is the energy like? How do people work together? Be as detailed as possible.
  • What do you think is “wrong” with how others do business? What would you seek to change?

Narrow In on the Truth

As you share your responses with the group, write down the words, phrases and ideas that resonate most or pop up most frequently. Group similar and related ideas into themes or buckets. Focus on the ones that are the most unique and elicit the strongest emotional response from the group. Almost always, one of these buckets is your why (purpose) and the others are your how (core values). Continue to refine until you can capture each idea in the perfect words. 

Equality of Input

While it is logical to focus on the input of executive team when embarking on this journey, I encourage you to prioritize voices from throughout the organization. Not only will the diversity of perspectives strengthen the outcome, but it will also give you the most accurate picture of your culture. Plus, valuing the contributions of your employees is an investment in their engagement and loyalty.

Use a Framework

Many frameworks exist, from my recommended Why-How-What to a more traditional Vision, Mission, Values structure. Pick one that feels right and stick with it. The structure will ground you through the process.

Enlist an Expert

While your company may be capable of successfully completing this process on your own, strategists like myself exist for a reason. We are experts in asking the right questions, engaging a range of personalities, drawing out critical insights and putting powerful concepts into words.

Shout It From the Rooftops

Once you’ve found your purpose and your values, share it with the world! Just as everyone in your organization should know what you stand for as a brand, your customers and partners should as well. You should be proud to proclaim your purpose!

Put It Into Practice

This is the most important part. Your why and your how were not created to just sit on your website. Your team should bring them to life every single day. You can use them as a checklist for your performance, as guidelines to hire against, and as the basis for employee and customer engagement programs large and small.

With this step-by-step process, you can learn how to find your brand’s purpose so that you can better stand out from your competitors, connect more deeply with your customers and of course, grow your business.

Ready to get started?

If you want help building your brand, book a free discovery call to discuss how we can bring it to life!