
Brand Clarity Consult


You KNOW you were made to run the show. You’ve got the dream and the drive, and all the business ideas. (Maybe too many, actually)

You want to do it all and have it all, but the lack of focus in your business is leaving you drained and your audience confused.

 Confidence isn’t something you’re lacking, buuuuuut clarity, that’s another story. You want a clear path in your business, and you want it now, so you can smash through your goals and start leaving your mark on the world. 

You don’t need a long, drawn-out process.  You just want a little nudge in the direction so you can skip the analysis paralysis and start being the badass you are in your own business.

Well, things are about to get crystal…

Gold Moon

Introducing the

Brand Clarity Consult

The Brand Clarity Call is an intensive strategy session where we get your business out of your head and into a plan to attract more of your dream customers. 

Whether you need a whole new direction or just a check-in to make sure you’re on the right track, after ONE HOUR you’re going to know where to go and what to do next to build your legacy and get paid to do it.

The Transformation

The Before & After

Right Now

You’ve got a head full of ideas

You’re questioning every decision in your business

You’re struggling to reach the right people (who are the right people again?)

After You Work with Me

You knowing exactly which ideas to execute

You’re confident in the next step to take

Your ideal target audience is not only crystal clear, it’s dripping in details! So you know just how to attract them

What's included

Your Brand Clarity Consult features:

A 60-minute Strategy Session

We’ll collaborate live on the call to define your target audience, your key differentiators, your personality and more. I’ll answer all your questions and work through your challenges.

Your Brand Clarity Report

After the call, I’ll fine tune your Brand Map and provide additional feedback and recommendations for how to position your brand and bring it to life. I’ll also send you the session recording so you can review any time!

experience is everything!

Here’s How It Will Go Down


We Prep

Once you book your Brand Clarity Consult, you’ll receive a questionnaire with background on your brand. I’ll do my research so I have all the context I need for our call.


We Strategize!

During your 60-minute call, we’ll review your current branding and map out the who, why, how, and what of your brand.


I Polish It Up

I’ll create your Brand Clarity Report with feedback and recommendations to move forward with clarity and confidence.


You Get The Assets

I’ll send you the call recording and your Brand Clarity Report laying out the big picture details of your brand.


You Stop Spinning and Start Scaling!

Sounds great, right??

Right now, you just need some guidance and I’m here for it. You’re just an hour away from fearless and foggy to clear and confident.

the investment to get there:


“Liz motivates and challenges me to become a better person. I always feel motivated, encouraged, and touched by how much she truly cares for my success. I feel safe sharing my vulnerabilities with her, and I know I can trust her as a human being because her intentions are sincere.

– Jessica Nam, Art Director –

I had never seen the totality of who I am, who I want to be and who I am trying to convey more eloquently and adequately until I worked with Liz.

If you are looking for someone to bring life to your vision, Liz is the person you want to engage with.”

– Sylvia V. Reid, CEO & Founder of A Seat at Sylvia’s Table –

“When I met Liz I could tell she was qualified and her gift with words is outstanding! 

She has a gift and talent as a brand strategist. She is definitely doing what she was born to do.”

– Alana Mitchell, Founder of Alana Mitchell skincare –

Upon our first Zoom meeting, we were greeted by an articulate, intelligent, informative, beautiful and glowing young lady.

We were WOWED and decided immediately that she was THE ONE. We have not looked back and have formed a trusting relationship.”

– Rose Laudisio, CEO & Founder, XO8 Cosmeceuticals –

Liz makes me better. Working with her, I feel a fire lit in my belly to keep creating, keep working hard, keep building and growing my impact.

– Torrey McKnight, RN –

Get clear direction in 90 min

You’ve gotten this far on your own, but you’re not settling for “good enough”. Let’s find your sweet spot so you can get to the level of success you were born for.

Just a few more things...

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a payment plan?

For this package, the full $240 must be paid in full at the time of booking.

What should I do to prepare?

The best thing you can do is be prepared to be transparent as possible. Most of the ideas I’ll want to tap into are already in your head! You’ll also fill out a questionnaire prior to our call so I have time to do my full due diligence on your brand.

I can't afford brand strategy right now. Will this help me?

Yes!  I created this package specifically for entrepreneurs who aren’t in a position to invest in a full brand strategy, but who still need clarity to get their brand moving in the right direction. If that sounds like you, this is a perfect fit!

Does this include copy or messaging?

While we will brainstorm some messaging directions live on our call (and we may come up with something great!), this is not a messaging or copywriting package. If you need full messaging for your brand, check out the Brand Strategy Starter Kit or Chaos to Clarity Brand Strategy.

Brand Clarity is just a consultation away.